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Sunday, June 13, 2010

GIVING as we should . . .

Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (Malachi 3:10)

What is the storehouse, here? It was initially associated with the Tent of Meeting and later with the Temple at Jerusalem (Neh 13:4,5). Why should there be food in His house? It was to meet
the expense for worship at the temple and to provide living to the Priests and Levites who work while serving at the Tent of Meeting (Num 18:21). Every third year, the alien, the orphan and the widow may also eat of it and be satisfied (Deu 14:29; 26:12).

Where is the Lord’s work being done now? In churches, in mission fields, in various ministries that take the gospel to the sick in hospitals, the inmates in jails, and in various services being rendered to the orphans, the destitute and the sick. Pastors, Missionaries and Evangelists who take the Gospel to people, and doctors, nurses and caretakers at the orphanages, old-age homes and hospitals run by missions, all need to be taken care of. God’s children who have received from the Lord need to share a portion with those laboring for the Lord.

Ephesians 4:11-13 talk about the five-fold ministry (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) in the church. Romans 12:6-8 talk about various ministries involving gifts (prophesying, serving, teaching, encouraging, contributing, governing, showing mercy). Combining the 2 lists, we see atleast 9 ministries (which is not an exhaustive list but only indicative). Acts 6:1-4 talk about widows receiving daily distribution of food, and I Tim 5:3-9 talk about widows being put on a list and served. James (in Jam 1:27) writes to the Christian Diaspora exhorting them to take care of orphans and widows in distress.

I Cor 9:11-14 lay down the principle that those preaching the gospel must receive their living from the gospel. Paul talks about several others receiving such support from the church in Corinth, to whom he had ministered (maybe more than they did). Paul tells Timothy that every elder who is involved in ministry (particularly those who preach and teach but additionally those who take care of widows) is worthy of double honor.

The Bible does not say that the ministry that brought them to salvation or the Pastor of the local church is alone the Levite, and must therefore receive the complete Tithe.


Since perfection could not be attained through the Levitical priesthood, there was the need for Jesus to come as our High Priest. When there is a change of the priesthood, there is also a change of the law. (Heb 7:11, 12) The sanctuary together with its sacrifices and rituals were an illustration for the reality that was yet to come. He has now set aside the first to establish the second (Heb 9:9; 10:9). Christ himself is the High Priest as well as the sacrificial lamb, and we are all his royal priesthood (I Pet 2:5,9). The old covenant was with the Jews only, which has now been set aside with a new covenant with all his children. Christ himself is the fulfillment of the first covenant.

Now, every believer is a temple of the Holy Spirit that lives in him, and he is not his own. He is bought at a price, and he is required to honor God with his Body (I Cor 6:19, 20). Like Christ who said,
Sacrifices and offerings you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me…I have come to do your will O God (Heb 10:5-7)”, we too are to honor God with our Body. We are to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. This is our spiritual act of worship (Rom 12:1). We are to honor God not with just a tenth of our possessions and finances as with the Old Covenant, but with all our being – all of our senses, our priorities and our possessions.

There were numerous occasions when people selfishly held on to their money rather than give it to the Lord in regular tithes and offerings. During the building of the second temple, the Jews seemed more interested in building up their own property, while leaving God’s house in ruins. Haggai and later Malachi highlight this (Haggai 1:3-6; Malachi 3:8-11). Because God’s people refused to give Tithe, he judged them. Today, he looks at our hearts. He is pleased with one who gives enthusiastically for the building of his kingdom. A Christian gives not out of greed for material prosperity or out of fear for punishment but out of reciprocation. Having received God's love that gave even His only begotten Son on the cross for him, he is filled with love and gives himself back to God.

With the Old Covenant, salvation came through a faith expressed by obedience to his law and its sacrificial system. With the New Covenant, coming to the Lord with faith and obedience brings grace and blessing.


Today, God does not mandate that each person gives one-tenth to God. We are expected to give ourselves completely. We are to consider ourselves as stewards of the blessings God has placed into our hands. As faithful stewards, we are to manage what God has entrusted to us according to His will for the establishment of His kingdom and for administering his grace to the world he created, to His glory. It is not true that one-tenth belongs to God and nine-tenth belongs to us. All the tenths belongs to Him and so it is important not just what we do with the one-tenth but also what we do with the nine-tenth.

So if all tenths are God’s and what we do with all of it is important, what then is the significance of one-tenth for a New Testament
Christian? It is this -- He can use that as a scale (or a reference point) to measure himself and see if he loves money more than God, if his possessions are more important to him than fulfilling God’s wishes. If he is not even giving one-tenth to God, chances are, he is after money more than after God. On the other side, there are those like John Wesley, who were intent on not increasing their lifestyle so that while they started with one-tenth for God, over time, they could move on to two-tenth, three-tenths and more.

May God give us the grace to value money for just what it is so that we master it for God’s glory rather than be mastered by it. The bible says, the desire of money is the root cause of all evil. Let us beware.


Aditya!! said...

Hello Johnson! I follow your blogs whenever i find time, and only now, I've got the time to comment!
You are a truly knowledgeable person and i still keep the gift you presented me in my drawer. Keep posting!

Unknown said...

Hah...Johnson...I agree with your other friend do really have a gift of writing my friend!!!! keep it going...i have started reading your blogs now....and on Giving I agree that we should NOT stop with one tenth but strive to do more!!!! after all, He is the one who blesses us, so what could make us more happy than giving it back to Him/His work!!!!! But the one tenth discipline I think is where it all starts...