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Thursday, June 30, 2016

EVOLUTION or CREATION: What to Believe?

Contributed the following article to the Jun '16 issue of VANAMUTHAM,
a Tamil Christian Monthly magazine published by Serve India Mission,
that attempts to connect the world (with its events and practical issues) to God's word.

Till the middle of 19th century, the predominant view around the world, including the western culture, was that God created the universe.  Around that time, an unknown scientist called Charles Darwin became fascinated by what he observed in selective breeding experiments.  He developed a hypothesis and published it in a book in 1859, titled ‘On the Origin of Species by Natural Selection’.  He postulated that all plants and animals  are the product of random interplay of heredity processes  (RANDOM MUTATION), and differential reproduction in which weak traits give way to stronger ones (NATURAL SELECTION).


Darwin believed that it was an undirected, mechanistic process of mutation and natural selection, and its resultant changes that led from one life form (or few life forms) to another over years. Before we get to whether a life form can change to another this way, let us first see if at all variations from environmental changes are possible. 

Studies in the Galapagos Islands showed that the average size and thickness of finch beaks increased during a drought.  Having to crack the few remaining hard seeds would have toughened the beaks of the surviving birds. When the rains returned and seeds became plentiful, the beak sizes returned to normal. Such change at a species level is technically called MICRO EVOLUTION, is supported by scientific evidence and is indeed possible. 

MACRO EVOLUTION on the other hand refers to innovations such as new organs like eyes, new structures like wings and new body parts. This suggests that a unicellular organism moved from one level of complexity to another, over millions of years of time, all through natural selection and finally humans evolved from their immediate ancestors in the animal kingdom such as monkeys and apes.  Scientific evidence does not support Macro Evolution.

William Paley in his book Natural Theology introduced the ‘Watchmaker’ analogy that helps us understand the improbability of Macro Evolution.  If you are walking through a field and find a watch that tells time, you can be sure that the watch was the result of intelligence (there was a watchmaker) and not the result of undirected natural processes. It just could not have fallen into place by itself.  

Biochemist Michael J Behe has given a similar analogy that puts Evolution in it right place - Micro Evolution is all the evolution that has been happening.  He compares the Darwinian explanation for humans to an explanation for a ‘Watch with a cover’ by starting with an assumption that a factory was already making a watch without a cover, and then going on to show what an improvement a cover would be.


Defenders of Darwinism are offering a story for peripheral features instead of dealing with real complexities of systems like a Retina. Darwin himself realized, that for an organ as complex as the eye with its interdependent features and complicated chemicals to have suddenly appeared in one generation, would be a miracle.   In Darwin’s own words in his ‘On the Origin of Species’ book, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.” 

Darwin however hoped that it too could be shown to have developed gradually. In his words, “Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory.” But the human eye is an “irreducibly complex biological system”, no part of which can function unless all the other parts are already working, and therefore it cannot be produced gradually.


Paleontologists have found an explosion of life around the same period. Almost every major phylum (each a broad classification) of animal life has appeared around the same period. On April 23, 1991, the New York Times reported this discovery under a page-wide headline “Spectacular Fossils record Riot of Creation”.

 If Darwin’s theory had been true, plotting the fossils against Morphological distance (difference in body architecture) along the x axis and time along the Y axis, should have come up as Tree. It should show a common ancestor relating all living things as the stem, a multitude of intermediary and transitional forms branching out, gradually increasing in number and getting more diverse as you move up in time. But the graphic depiction of the actual fossil record is not a tree.  It looks like a bar-code.

Darwin looked for gradual changes of one form changing into another in the Fossil Record, but couldn’t find it.  He admitted in his Origin of Species, “The number of intermediate entities which have formerly existed on earth, must be truly enormous. Why then is not every geological formation and every stratum full of such intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graded organic chain, and this perhaps is the most obvious and gravest objection which can be urged against my theory”.  About 155 years have passed since then, and there have been tremendous fossil discovery as Darwin had hoped.  But the evidence is to the contrary, as seen in the preceding 2 paragraphs.

The only way to scientifically prove that man descended from apes is to show a transition between monkeys, apes and humans. But despite what students are being taught in school, paleontologists have not uncovered any transitional fossil not just between monkeys and apes, and between apes and human, but between any major forms.


IN THE BEGINNING GOD is the only plausible explanation for life.  We all need to go to town with this proclamation rather than being bogged down by the Age of the Earth. 

While all Bible believing Christians have unshakable faith that they did not happen by chance, but were created by God, they are divided on either side of the fence over whether the Earth is young or old.  Some, labeled the ‘Young Earth Creationists’ insist on a young earth that is only about 6000 years old and a Creation Week of 6 literal days of 24 hours duration.  Others, called the Old Earth Creationists’, with the same faith on the creator, allow that each creation day could have been a period of thousands or millions of years.

Science is always evolving but the Word of the Lord stands forever. Getting us into a fight over the age of the earth could be the devil’s deception to draw man’s attention away from the rock-solid truth of Creation. While some think that carbon-dating the earth to be several billions of years old is too hard a scientific fact to ignore, others think that Carbon-dating cannot be accurate over more than a few thousands of years and that the change in atmospheric conditions in the aftermath of Noah’s flood makes the process irrelevant for the period prior to that.

Let us make it unambiguously clear to our colleagues at work, our children at home, our youth in the church and to all other we come in contact with, that the Bible’s opening statement that God created all that is visible stands unchallenged by any contrary view – be it Science or Philosophy. After all, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution (with words like speculate, probable and suggest, scattered all over) is just a speculation, a postulation, a probabilistic thinking that man happened by chance.  Contrary to the popular perception created by the ubiquitous picture of ‘Monkey morphing into Man’, and the wide currency provided to it in today’s School Curriculum, EVOLUTION IS NOT PROVEN. IT NEVER WILL BE.

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